Be Here…Be Now…
I heard this saying for the first time from my little sister. It’s a saying that I noticed I have been using more and more on a daily basis. Its four words that remind you to focus on the present. I, like I am sure most of you, tend to get too many far steps ahead in my brain. If its from something small like planning what I am wearing that night to foreshadowing an events outcome before its even happened, I am usually too many steps ahead. I can always tell that I am have been “in my head” too much, cause I began to get anxious and stressed about that event/plan/moment/idea. I start talking about it a lot or some moment from the day has passed me by and I wasn’t paying any attention. When I feel this happening, I have to just stop…take a deep breath…exhale…and say “Be here, be now”. That’s it. And I might even have to repeat that saying a couple times to just bring my whole self to the present: mind, body and spirit. The reason I am labeling this 2012 is because I think this could be one of the easiet resoltuons that you can give yourself. Just TRY to be in the moment. Trust me, it’s not easy, so cut yourseld some slack if you don’t pick it up right away. I STILL get too far ahead sometimes…but all I can ever do is just try my best, just be here and just be now.
Happy New Year Everyone! xoxo